The Bidder Memorial, Mitcham Common

The Bidder Memorial, Mitcham Common

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Area Mitcham
Copyright 1 Published by Percy Mayhew
Picture Reference Mit_​19_​1-11
Original Format Postcard
Notes / History
This Grade II listed memorial commemorates parliamentary lawyer George Parker Bidder Q.C., named after his father, an eminent Victorian engineer.

During childhood, George spent considerable time on Mitcham Common and was horrified at the impact of gravel extraction and railway construction on the land.

Later in his professional capacity, George was instrumental in passing the Metropolitan Commons
( Mitcham ) Act of 1891. This led to the creation of a Board of Conservators with the authority to manage Mitcham Common and preserve its natural features.

The memorial, located on the common near the Croydon Road, was erected by public subscription in in 1896 in remembrance of his efforts to preserve the common.

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This Grade II listed memorial commemorates parliamentary lawyer George Parker Bidder Q.C., named after his father, an eminent Victorian engineer.

During childhood, George spent considerable time on Mitcham Common and was horrified at the impact of gravel extraction and railway construction on the land.

Later in his professional capacity, George was instrumental in passing the Metropolitan Commons
( Mitcham ) Act of 1891. This led to the creation of a Board of Conservators with the authority to manage Mitcham Common and preserve its natural features.

The memorial, located on the common near the Croydon Road, was erected by public subscription in in 1896 in rememberance of his efforts to preserve the common.

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This Grade II listed memorial commemorates parliamentary lawyer George Parker Bidder Q.C., named after his father, an eminent Victorian engineer.

During childhood, George spent considerable time on Mitcham Common and was horrified at the impact of gravel extraction and railway construction on the land.

Later in his professional capacity, George was instrumental in passing the Metropolitan Commons
( Mitcham ) Act of 1891. This led to the creation of a Board of Conservators with the authority to manage Mitcham Common and preserve its natural features.

The memorial, located on the common near the Croydon Road, was erected by public subscription in in 1896 in remembrance of his efforts to preserve the common.


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