Pollards Hill Estate: Opening of 250th House on Estate

Pollards Hill Estate: Opening of 250th House on Estate

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Date Photo Taken 31st March 1948
Area Pollards Hill
Picture Reference Mit_​Buildings_​58-7
Original Format Photo
Notes / History This event marks the opening of the 250th house on the Pollards Hill Housing Estate in 1948. Prior to World War II a housing estate had been built to the south of Pollards Hill for owner-occupation or private renting. However, with the serious shortage of housing accommodation at the end of the World War II, the priority changed and the local Council's aim was to provide and rent good modern housing at subsidised rents. Speed of erection of the buildings was of importance and the new concept of mass producing prefabricated units to a high specification met this requirement. The Arcon 'prefabs' were built to last 10 years but many were still occupied in the mid 60's.

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