Scio Pond, Wimbledon Common

Scio Pond, Wimbledon Common

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Partial / Incomplete Date c.1907
Area Wimbledon Village
Copyright 1 Hutchinson & Co.
Picture Reference Wim_​16_​6-3
Original Format Photo
Notes / History Situated near Roehampton Lane, this pond is fed by a spring, the flow of which only becomes visible guring drought periods.
The natural water supply is sufficient to prevent the pond itself from running dry and Scio has a healthy fish population, including Roach, Perch, Carp and Pike. In recent years, it has also become home to a number of terrapins, abandoned, having grown beyond the size anticipated by their unwary owners.

The pond takes its name from an adjacent property built during the 18th century. During the Victorian era, the house was owned by Eustratios C. Ralli, a Greek merchant. He called it "Scio", in memory of his island birthplace. During the interwar period, the building was converted to form a hospital for ex-army officers. It was finally demolished in 1982.

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