YMCA hut interior, military camp on Wimbledon Common

YMCA hut interior, military camp on Wimbledon Common

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Partial / Incomplete Date c.1918
Area Wimbledon
Copyright 1 H. C. Archer
Picture Reference Wim_​Wimbledon_​Common_​M_​W_​7-14
Original Format Photo
Notes / History The soldier’s club rooms provided a range of comforts including books and newspapers, billiards, gramophone music and refreshments.

Notice the promotional display produced by the camp photographer. The war led to a huge increase in the photographic market. With the knowledge that life might be cut short, soldiers derived comfort from photographs of friends, family and sweethearts. They also queued up to be photographed themselves, proud in their uniforms, the end results being sent home to loved ones as a form of keepsake.

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