Warren Farm, Wimbledon Common

Warren Farm, Wimbledon Common

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Partial / Incomplete Date c.1915
Area Wimbledon Village
Picture Reference Wim_​18_​7A-1
Original Format Photo
Notes / History Warren Farm dates back to the 17th century. It is mentioned in a land survey of 1617, as “the house of the warrener…”, a manorial employee, who bred rabbits as a food source and guarded the area against poachers.

By 1723, the farm had reverted to arable land and was part of the Cannizaro Estate. Between 1785 and 1812, it was run by a father and son, Thomas and Matthew Watney, part of the famous Watney brewing dynasty.

During the 20th century, much of the farmland was sold to the Royal Wimbledon Golf Club and the farmhouse became a private residence.

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