The Grange Convalescent Home, Central Road, Morden

The Grange Convalescent Home, Central Road, Morden

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Area Morden
Copyright 1 J. Russell & Sons
Picture Reference MerMor_​30_​2-10
Original Format Photo
Notes / History Recuperating in the fresh air. Wartime casualties at the Grange Nursing home, off Central Road, Morden.
Like Morden Hall, the Grange, (previously known as Steel Hawes,) was owned by Gilliat Edward Hatfeild.

In 1915, it was converted into a military hospital, with 34 beds. The building later housed a post-war nursing home, which closed in 1964.

After many years in disrepair, the Grange was refurbished and housed offices belonging to Courts Ltd, and more recently Circle Housing .

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