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Wimbledon trolleybus near the town hall

Wimbledon trolleybus near the town hall

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Date Photo Taken 8th June 1947
Copyright 1 Pamlin Prints
Picture Reference Wim_​28_​4-2
Original Format Postcard
Notes / History This Class XI trolleybus is pictured in front of Wimbledon Town Hall in 1947.
Trolleybuses began to replace the local tram service during the 1930s. The large vehicles were powered by a system of overhead cables but were easier to manoeuvre, as they were not reliant on road-based tracks. This meant they could be driven right up to the kerb, to allows passengers to get on or off. Compared to the trams, "trollies" were roomy, comfortable and quiet - they remained operational until the late 1950s and are still fondly remembered by many local residents.

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