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Accommodation huts and trenches, Wimbledon army camp

Accommodation huts and trenches, Wimbledon army camp

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Partial / Incomplete Date c.1918
Area Wimbledon Village
Copyright 1 London Borough of Merton
Picture Reference Wim_​Wimbledon_​Common_​M_​W_​7-7
Original Format Photo
Photographer / Origin of Photo G.C Druce
Notes / History During the First World War, a large expanse of Wimbledon Common was requisitioned for use as a military camp.

Accommodation huts were built and the land was a training base for the first recruits to “Kitchener’s Army”. The bayoneting grounds, firing ranges and varied terrain enabled soldiers to practice their combat skills before departing for active service.

The largest influx of troops arrived at the camp in 1916.

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