Mitcham War Memorial, Lower Green West

Mitcham War Memorial, Lower Green West

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Area Mitcham
Picture Reference Mit_​26_​7-13a.jpg
Original Format Photo
Notes / History Mitcham War Memorial on Lower Green West was erected in memory of the Mitcham combatants who had lost their lives in the First World War. In 1919 the War Memorial Committee asked members of the local community to submit the details of those who had died in the war and the memorial, with the names of 552 men, was unveiled on 21st November 1920 by Sir Herbert Edward Watts. The ceremony was attended by 5,000 people.

The memorial is a Grade II listed building. English Heritage records that it is not primarily a Second World War memorial but, when it was restored in 1962, an additional panel was added with a dedication to the Mitcham men who had died during the Second World War.

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