Caesar’s Camp - Map showing footpaths in 1865, Wimbledon Common

Caesar’s Camp - Map showing footpaths in 1865, Wimbledon Common

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Area Wimbledon
Copyright 1 Based on Ordnance Survey
Picture Reference Wim_​Wimbledon_​Common_​A_​G_​3-1
Original Format Map
Notes / History Contrary to popular myth, Julius Caesar almost certainly never visited Wimbledon and the origins and purpose of the camp on Wimbledon Common remain a mystery.

It was surrounded by a single ditch which was thirty feet wide and twelve feet deep. The one rampart, which had a wooden palisade on top to protect the defenders, was probably about twenty feet high. The defences were almost circular and
enclosed an area of about twelve acres.

Archaeologists have found very little sign of occupation inside the defences and the defences themselves show no sign of ever being attacked.

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