Central Road, The Morden Tavern, Morden

Central Road, The Morden Tavern, Morden

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Area Morden
Copyright 1 Mr D R Smith (LBM)
Picture Reference MerMor_​25_​29-5
Original Format Photo
Notes / History This pub, built in 1931, was designed by architect Sir Harry Redfern for Truman, Hanbury and Buxton's Black Eagle Brewery. It had many decorative features, including marble fireplaces, which were lost when it was stripped and altered in 1962 and 1974.

Harry Redfern was a specialist in designing pubs for inter-war housing estates. They were intended to be a social focus for newly arrived residents from the inner city slums.

Developers were given permission to build houses, flats and shops on the site after the pub closed in 2010 after the council refused to list it as an ‘asset of community value’.

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