Headmaster and pupils at Mitcham Lodge College, Mitcham

Headmaster and pupils at Mitcham Lodge College, Mitcham

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Area Mitcham
Copyright 1 London Borough of Merton
Stakeholder Image MHS
Picture Reference Mit_​TomFrancis_​810
Original Format Photo
Notes / History Situated near High Street, Fair Green, this boys' school had several boarders but most of the students were day pupils.
The schoolroom is thought to have been the smaller timbered building, picture right. The bearded figure shown in the foreground was the principal, Dr.Smith

Local shopkeeper and historian, Tom Francis, attended the school during the Victorian era and remembered the students wearing a smart uniform on Sunday including mortar boards, Eton coats and starched collars.

During the 1930s the site was redeveloped. It became a depot for Wall's ice cream and later a caravan yard. Today the plot is covered by flats.

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