Wimbledon Common - Army Camp

Wimbledon Common - Army Camp

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Partial / Incomplete Date c.1918
Area Wimbledon
Copyright 1 G.C. Druce
Picture Reference Wim_​Wimbledon_​Common_​M_​W_​7-10
Original Format Photo
Notes / History The practise bayoneting ground at the army training camp on Wimbledon Common in the First World War.

The bayonet, which is simply a blade attached to the side of a gun, is used in close combat. It was first introduced in Bayonne, France, in the early 17th century. It was still employed by both sides in 1914-18 although by this time its use was often more psychological than practical.

Although rarely used in modern warfare, the bayonet still has a role as a weapon of last resort and almost all assault rifles produced today still have provision for a bayonet.

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