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A. A. Drake, Wimbledon councillor, 1941-43

A. A. Drake, Wimbledon councillor, 1941-43

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Area Wimbledon
Picture Reference Wim_​39_​12-2
Original Format Photo
Notes / History Anthony Anstruther Drake was one of the best known figures in Wimbledon. He founded the Wimbledon Arts and Drama Players, and was the organising chairman for many years.

Drake was first elected councillor for St. John’s Ward in November 1923. He became Mayor of Wimbledon in 1941 and was Mayor for two terms until 1943.

One of his greatest achievements was the founding of the Wimbledon Music Festival which, at the time of his death in 1948, was in its 19th year.

Sadly, Drake collapsed in his chair at home on the evening of August 26th 1948 and died. He left the majority of his estate to fund a youth centre, and in 1957 Drake house was opened.

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