Borough of Wimbledon Coat of Arms

Borough of Wimbledon Coat of Arms

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Area Wimbledon
Picture Reference Wim_​Local_​Government_​8-1
Original Format Drawing
Notes / History Each part of the coat of arms represents different times in the Borough. The double headed eagle has associations with Julius Caesar and so represents the historic sites of Caesar’s Camp and Caesar’s Well. The emblems on the wings, a gold rose and golden fret represent the times when Wimbledon Manor was owned by first the Crown and then by the Spenser family.

The blue and gold edge or bordure is taken from the coat of arms of the De Warrennes family who were Earls of Surrey, from the time Wimbledon was part of Surrey.
Both the sheaf of corn and the two choughs represent notable previous residents on the Manor namely the Cecil family and Thomas Cormwell.

The motto “Sine labe ducus” translates as honour without blemish.

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