Exterior of Morden Underground Station

Exterior of Morden Underground Station

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Partial / Incomplete Date c.1926
Area Morden
Copyright 1 Transport for London
Stakeholder Image LTM
Picture Reference MerMor_​Transport_​Underground_​13-12
Original Format Photo
Notes / History The classic Deco Style architecture was designed by Charles Holden with the intention of enabling upward development, which occurred in 1960s when an office building was added. The Station parade held a number of small shops, from newsagents and florists, to banks and tobacconists. By the early 1930s the original line of shops had been further extended to house a greengrocer’s, a baker shop, a hairdresser’s and a shops selling households goods. The crowning glory was the Royal Arsenal Co-operative Store build in 1940, which comprised of 15 departments selling everything from furniture and hats, to toys, clothing and medicines. The Northern Line was extended to South Wimbledon and Morden in 1926. Morden Underground Station was opened with great ceremony on 13 September that year. The new transport service led to the rapid transformation of the area and greater urbanisation.

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