Anderson Shelter in Pitcairn Road, Mitcham

Anderson Shelter in Pitcairn Road, Mitcham

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Area Mitcham
Copyright 1 Mitcham Public Library
Picture Reference Mit_​War_​2-12
Original Format Photo
Notes / History 20 tons of debris fell on this Anderson Shelter. Although the sides were pushed in there was still a space for the occupants in the centre and 4 people were rescued. The damage was probably caused by a High Explosive bomb that fell on 9 Pitcairn Road, off the London Road just south of Tooting Station, in late September 1940. Mitcham Municiple Borough records of civilian war dead show that John Charles Winborn, age 30, died at this address on 25th September that year

Anderson shelters were named after Sir John Anderson, the lord privy seal in charge of air raid precautions in 1938. They were designed to be dug into people’s gardens to protect families from air raids. They were half buried in the ground with earth heaped on top and were made from six corrugated iron sheets bolted together at the top, with steel plates at either end, and measured 6ft 6in by 4ft 6in (1.95m by 1.35m). The entrance was protected by a steel shield and an earthen blast wall.

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