Wimbledon Windmill: Early print by George Cooke

Wimbledon Windmill: Early print by George Cooke

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Area Wimbledon Village
Copyright 1 London Borough of Merton
Picture Reference Wim_​Wimbledon_​Common_​M-W_​12-6
Original Format Print
Photographer / Origin of Photo Photo of print by Cooke - picture taken by J.Kewick
Notes / History This drawing by George Cooke shows the building during its early years. In 1817 the Manor Court granted carpenter Charles March a quarter acre of common land on which to build a windmill. He was given a ninety-nine year lease in return for an annual rent of two shillings (10p today) and a commitment to “keep up a public Corn Mill for the advantage and convenience of the neighbourhood”. In 1818 he was granted an additional quarter acre for the construction of a miller’s cottage.

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