Bomb damaged houses in Runnymede Road, Colliers Wood

Bomb damaged houses in Runnymede Road, Colliers Wood

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Area Colliers Wood
Picture Reference Mit_​War_​2-16
Original Format Photo
Notes / History There is no date on this photograph but it is likely that the damage done to these houses in Runnymede Road was caused by a bomb that fell on 16th August 1940 in the early days of the Blitz. This is the date given to the images entitled ‘Bomb damaged house in Runnymede, Mitcham’ and ‘Bomb damage in Runnymede, Mitcham’ elsewhere in this picture archive.

Mitcham was generally believed to have been the most heavily bombed of the South London suburbs….in addition to the parachute mines, incendiaries and normal HE bombs dropped during the Blitz of 1940-41, no fewer than 49 ‘V1s’ or flying bombs –‘doodlebugs’ – fell on Mitcham in the closing years of the war. Very few houses escaped damage and many hundreds were either destroyed outright or had to be demolished (Mitcham: A Pictorial History by Eric Montague)

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